HYTRANS Mass Vacuum Bridge
HYTRANS Mass Vacuum Bridge
HYSEKAM Can Technology
HYTRANS Mass Vacuum Bridge
The HYTRANS Mass Vacuum Bridge is a fully automatic, multi-lane can transfer device for ejecting cans that are lying or badly deformed. Depending on the customer’s requirements, cans are ejected via a can slide or a chute. The vacuum bridge is a tried and tested system made of stainless steel in a flexible modular design, which generates a vacuum with the help of a fan in order to suck in empty beverage cans and to transport them.
Technical Data for the Mass Vacuum Bridge
- Easy to clean, hygienic design
- 4-lane, 6-lane, 8-lane and 10-lane conveyor designs
- Closed, noise-reducing, high-performance vacuum unit
- Automatic gravity chain tensioner and a chain tension indicator
- Height adjustment manually via handwheel or automatically via a gear unit
- Exhaust air disposal on the non-operating side
- Infeed and outfeed conveyors via straight mat chains e.g. Make Emerson or make RMCC, NOSE OVER
- Conveyor drives Standard energy-efficient SEW-MOVIGEAR® drives or Danfoss OGD (depending on customer requirements)
- Inlet and outlet carriers via straight mat chains e.g. Emerson, NOSE-BAR division 12.7 mm or straight mat chain RMCC, NOSE OVER pitch 15 mm
- Belt drives on and off: Standard energy-efficient SEW-MOVIGEAR® drives or Danfoss OGD (depending on customer requirements)
- Modular construction system in stainless steel
- Processing of beverage cans in all common dimensions (larger volumes on request)
- Can be used in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries
Mass Vacuum Bridge Options
- With or without a conveyor
- Integrable filter units: coarse filter / filter class G4, fine filter / filter class F5 / M5
- Servo-motorized height adjustment
- Sensors for height information
- Fall shaft
- Collecting container
- HYTRANS Z Elevator, mass vacuum bridge over a height difference
- Electric control
- Gentle can transfer from the infeed conveyor to the vacuum conveyor via adjustable knife-edge (if desired)
HYTRANS einspurige Vakuumbrücke
HYTRANS Massen-Vakuumbrücke
HYTRANS Vakuumbrücke
HYVAC Vakuum Transporteur
HYWHEEL Vakuum Codierstern
HYJET Rinser
HYAERO Vakuumrinser
HYTWIST Produktwender
HYTWIST Blockwender 450
HYTWIST Stangenwender 1230
HYTWIST Dosenwendestation
HYROPE Seiltransport
HYFLEX Vollautomatischer Dosenwender